We hope you find just what you’re looking for in the below listings for Rome kids activities and tours. If you have any suggestions you would like to share, please contact us
Rome Kids Activities and Tours
Children in Rome – Tours and activities for kids in Rome for ages 5-13, with options for kids only, or the whole family. Ancient Rome tours, culinary themed activities, and museum visits are among the options. Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Chinese language guides are available.
tel. 339 8866133
email. childreninrome@gmail.com
Context Travel Family Tours – Context Travel’s Family Program takes a high-level interactive approach to engaging children and parents alike in the history, art, architecture, and culture of Rome. Tours include Ancient Rome Discovery, Vatican for Families, Underground Rome for Families, Galleria Borghese for Families, and an exploration of Raphael in Trastevere themed around myths. Context guides are academics and/or educators, which makes their tours particularly dynamic and expert.
Gladiator School – 2-hr. class for kids near the Appian Way instructing them in how to be a gladiator! Organized and led by the Historic Group of Rome, specialists in reenactments of Ancient Roman life; includes free admission to the Gladiator School of Rome Museum; offered daily from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. every two hours
Online Reservations
English-language Theaters in Rome
Alcazar (Trastevere) – movies in their original language with Italian subtitles on Mondays
Via Merry del Val 14
tel. 06 5880099
Barberini (near Via Veneto)
Piazza Barberini 24/26
tel. 06 4821082
email. info@cinemadiroma.it
Metropolitan (near Piazza del Popolo)
Via del Corso 7
tel. 06 3200933
Nuova Olimpia (Piazza di Spagna area)
Via in Lucina 16G
tel. 06 6861068
Quirinetta Cinema (near Via del Corso)
Via Marco Minghetti 4
00187 Rometel. 06 6790012
Time Elevator Rome – Interactive movie theater on takes viewers on a visual journey through Roman history
Via dei SS. Apostoli 20
00187 Rome
tel. 06 69921823
Purchase tickets online
email. info@time-elevator.it
Warner Village Moderno
Piazza della Repubblica 44
00187 Rome
tel. 06 4777911
Live Children’s Theater in Rome
Teatro delle Marionette degli Accettella
Via Genocchi 15
00145 Rome
tel. 06 5139405
fax. 06 87182380
email. accettellateatro@tiscali.it
email. teatromongiovino@tiscali.it
Teatro di Pulcinella Gianicolo – daily shows 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. + Sat. & Sun. 10:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.
Viale del Gianicolo (Parco Gianicolo)
tel. 06 5827767
Teatro San Carlino – puppet theater in Borghese Gardens (Pincio)
Viale dei Bambini
tel. 06 69922117
email. info@sancarlino.it
Teatro Verde – puppet theater (view a montage of delightful performances on You Tube)
Circonvallazione Gianicolense 10
tel. 06 5882034
email. info@teatroverde.it
email. teatroverderoma@gmail.com
Rome Amusement Parks, Aquariums, Arcades, Bowling, Mini golf, Zoos
Bioparco – Zoo at Borghese Gardens
Viale del Giardino Zoologico
tel. 06 36082118
email. callcenter@bioparco.it
Children’s Libraries in Rome
Central Children’s Library
Via San Paolo alla Regola 16
tel. 06 6865116
The Little Library – English-language book selection for ages 6 months-6 years
Via Festo Avieno 100 a/b
tel. 39597681
Play Centers and Playgroups in Rome
Casina di Raffaello Ludoteca (in Borghese Gardens) – variety of activities for children ages 3-10
Viale della Casina di Raffaello (piazza di Siena)
tel. 06 82059127
email. info@casinadirraffaello.it
Incontro Bambini EuroPlayGroup – playgroups with fun activities in English, Spanish, French, & German
For info and reservations: tel. 338 439 9845, email. info@europlaygroup.com
Little Friends Playschool
Via P. Frattini 146/148
00149 Rome
tel. 06 55286562
Looney’s Indoor Entertainment Center – indoor playcenter for ages 0-14 years; mother’s and toddler’s groups
R. B. Bandinelli 130
Ciampino, Rome
tel. 06 79321977
email. info@looneys.it
Ludoteca Villa Torlonia – interactive educational activities for children ages 11-17
Via Spallanzani 1
tel. 06 82059127
email. info@technotown.it